Week 8 – The Break Down of Scores

The reading RSVP  put things into perspective on how improvisation works. I feel valuaction needs to be included in my improvisation more, I think it will help in developing current ideas and bring new ideas to my body.

I was pleased with my feedback from the assessment because I have improved and I can see myself pushing myself more. Especially today, when warming our bodies I tried to push my boundaries. I simply did the opposite to what everyone else was doing. They did soft, flowing movements where as I jumped through the space. Another time I ran from one side to the other, this then changed the atmosphere and everyone began to copy to fit ‘the score’.

I loved the idea how our lesson was put in to a score. Even though we didn’t choose what we was doing we set what the score was. In a way I feel this motivated me because I knew what was in store for the session. Another thing that motivated me was the music, it influenced me to have more energy in what I was doing. The break down of the scores really showed that there is many different ways to write a score.

– Original: Everything is set
– Walking Zones: Walk however you want but we set the pathways
– Stillness: Do what you want and emphasise stillness

Reading the score was easy but interpreting it into my own movement could be completely different to what the choreographer intended. Next week should be easier with the development because we will have had time to refine what we need to do.

